Skimming over Tuamotus lagoons

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Livia Gilstrap and her partner Carol are cruising on their sailboat, Estrellita 5.10b. And like many younger voyagers, they are using their boat as a platform to do plenty of kiteboarding and scuba diving. They regularly attach a GoPro video camera to their kite while kiteboarding. The result is some cool high energy video of some very beautiful places. Sailors still just getting through the last of winter will appreciate the temperature of these kiteboarding videos.   

They are currently traveling in French Polynesia which has five island chains, one of which is called the Tuamotus. This video highlights three atolls in this chain: Rangiroa, Fakarava and Tahanea.

Livia also has an article coming up in the next issue of Ocean Navigator on navigating through coral-heavy waters when conditions aren't perfect. Look for it. 


By Ocean Navigator