Come “Like” Furuno on Facebook and Get a Free eBook

Camas, WA – Social Marketing seems like the latest marketing du jour, but the reality is social marketing is now mainstream methods of promoting a company and it’s products. There are a lot of choices out there for this type of marketing and Furuno has been carefully evaluating and preparing to launch into this new frontier.
Just one month ago, Furuno launched the all-new Furuno Forum and today they announced that they have released the new Furuno Facebook page, just in time for the Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show. The page, which can be found at, allows customers and Furuno fans to view the latest Furuno news posted to the Wall, an Event Calendar, YouTube Videos, Photos and more. Right now, if you go to their Facebook page and click on the “Like” button, you will receive a free eBook titled “Operator’s Guide to Marine Radar.”
Also, don’t forget about their new Furuno Forum that can be found under the Support section of their web site ( In less than one month, they have nearly 200 unique customers who have been actively participating in discussions on the Furuno Forum. From operation questions, new product suggestions and helm photos, the new Furuno Forum is quickly becoming a destination for Furuno Fans to join each other in discussions of all things Furuno!
For more information on Furuno’s full line of award winning marine electronics, contact: Furuno U.S.A., 4400 N.W. Pacific Rim Blvd., Camas, WA 98607. Phone: (360) 834-9300. or
By Ocean Navigator