Ocean Navigator caps awarded

Attending the Annapolis Boat Show every fall offers the chance for us to swap stories with our accomplished readership about their travels on the big blue. The fall 1997 show was no exception.

To fully appreciate the voyaging tendencies of Ocean Navigator readers, we posted a map of the world, supplied colored markers, and asked every voyager to trace the course of a recent adventure.

The result displays heavy trafficin the balmy latitudes, but few near-Arctic sojourns, except for one impressive sail from Newfoundland to Iceland. For the grandest tales, we awarded several wool Ocean Navigator baseball caps. Kim Sanders-Fisher, for example, got a cap for having racked up 13 transatlantic crossings in boats ranging from 29 to 76 feet.

Maybe the wool caps will inspire voyagers to steer for Greenland or South Georgia Island next year. Meet us at the 1998 Annapolis Show and tell us about your voyagesyou might leave with a new hat!

By Ocean Navigator